Sunday, March 17, 2013


Under saddle!! And it was just perfect :)

I wish I had my trainer get it on video but it was so spontaneous so no one was out at the ring. We had a 30 minute break before the next lesson so I quickly tacked him up and threw him on the lunge line. I wanted to see his mood. He was quiet and perfect on the lunge so I just jumped on! We walked, trotted, and even cantered both ways! He did everything by listening to my voice commands. I just got up in jumping position and said canter and he picked it right up. It was so great. His canter is TO DIE FOR. My trainer walked out right when we finished up cantering and she goes, "omg look at you just riding your horse around like he knows what he's doing! He's a real horse now"! I was so close to asking her to video but Huey was so good I didn't wana push any buttons and then get bucked off or something.

But really I was SO SO pleased. I cannot wait to get him going. His canter was dreamy. Big, slow, balanced. Everything a canter should be! AHHHH :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

One down!

One of the goals for Huey in the next month just got accomplished today! I thought it would be a bit of a task to get H-man to cooperatively lunge in the outdoor but I was wrong. Today was beautiful so I decided to lunge outside. Why not? I hate wasting away in that tight little indoor. He was a star! I think he was actually better. There was more space for him to actually move. He picked up the canter much better today. Our biggest struggle is continuing after we canter. For some reason he has it set in his mind that after we canter, he is done. He only gave a little fuss. All he really does is stop and stand there when I say 'whoa'. It takes a little encouragement to trot again before we are completely finished. I think in his mind he knows he already walked, trotted, and cantered so why does he need to trot again.

I decided today he has his first show debut in the third week of April at the Aiken Spring Classic. Well, not really "show" but he is going to tag along. They have a really nice extra large round pen with great footing and a tall surrounding fence. I have been eying it and decided it is the perfect starter ring. Plus it is always so warm in Aiken. The money will be worth it. There will be a lot going on, a lot for him to become exposed to and I think the perfect place for him to get started. Even if I just ride him one day and lunge the rest, it will be good for him to see what his future will entail and get out to see new things!

Today was a great day at the farm. One of the horses was buck wild and almost killed me. I found it entertaining and of course no one saw! But besides that it was just so pretty out. Here are a few pictures!

Shiva, our mascot goat. She thinks shes a dog! Shes a little crazy.

Many of you probably know this little filly. Baby Olivia (and Lilo). This is PRICELESS.

Ashley and Friday jumping around.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Oh, the things we've learned...

Today I left Huey alone in the cross-ties for over 45 minutes while I assisted the vet...when I came back to put him away I stopped and realized I never even second guessed leaving him standing there with no supervision. Ask me to step away from him a month ago and I would have looked at you like you were crazyyy. This is perfect way to describe Huey just a month or two ago-

Equestrian Betches

When he first came, he sat for almost two months while I was up North working. It was obvious in his previous life that he had never had any lessons on mannerism or proper handling. We couldn't walk down the isle way without the chain over his nose and him flinging, striking, bucking, etc. It was pleasant. 

So I began to think about all the things Huey has learned:
-Stands still and in the center of crossties.
-Moves over in crossties when asked.
Well, he might still eat the crossties while standing but he is improving...kinda :)
-Doesn't smash me into the wall when I curry his butt. It felt good, he couldn't help it.
-Doesn't run out of grooming area when unhooked and being bridled.
-Wears ear plugs (trainers request).
-Lifts all 4 feet to be picked...this seems to have been the longest lasting challenge. Every once in a while we have an off day.
-No more pawing as soon as the hose turns on.
-Walks with a regular lead rope..even to the pastures!!!
-Trots in hand.
-Walks around rings without attempting to roll.
-Lunges walk and trot on the biggest circle, voice command.
-Doesn't attempt to run out gate while lunging.
-Ground drives all around like a pro.
-Hasn't eaten this new sheet! *knock on wood its only been two weeks*
-Self loads. HALLELUJAH! 
-How to look innocent and sucker mom into giving a few too many treats.

Things he still needs to learn with a goal of one month from now:
-Canter on the lunge..we have started this. 
-Lunge in the outdoor.
-Lunge over pole[s].
-To graze.

Look how sweet and innocent I am.

On a side note...he is so strange. He always sleeps in awkward positions and snores, loudly. I used to think something was wrong but I have watched him many, many times for long periods of time and I am pretty sure he is just a weirdo.

Yes, his head is smashed in the corner of his stall.