Sunday, March 17, 2013


Under saddle!! And it was just perfect :)

I wish I had my trainer get it on video but it was so spontaneous so no one was out at the ring. We had a 30 minute break before the next lesson so I quickly tacked him up and threw him on the lunge line. I wanted to see his mood. He was quiet and perfect on the lunge so I just jumped on! We walked, trotted, and even cantered both ways! He did everything by listening to my voice commands. I just got up in jumping position and said canter and he picked it right up. It was so great. His canter is TO DIE FOR. My trainer walked out right when we finished up cantering and she goes, "omg look at you just riding your horse around like he knows what he's doing! He's a real horse now"! I was so close to asking her to video but Huey was so good I didn't wana push any buttons and then get bucked off or something.

But really I was SO SO pleased. I cannot wait to get him going. His canter was dreamy. Big, slow, balanced. Everything a canter should be! AHHHH :)

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